Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment

Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is constitutionally mandated legislation aimed at remedying historical racial imbalances and a​chieving economic transformation by increasing the number of black people who participate in the South African economy. ​​ We advise on:​


  • Compliance with the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act
  • B-BBEE Codes, charters and sector codes
  • Registration of major transactions with the B-BBEE Commission
  • Engagement with the B-BBEE Commission
  • Advice on B-BBEE Codes and scorecard


Our administrative law team advises and provides opinions on a range of administrative law issues, including on whether a decision was taken lawfully, procedurally, fairly and reasonably; conducting judicial reviews of decisions taken by public bodies (which includes decisions made in respect of public procurement and in the context of licensing, concessions or tariffs); and defending governmental and other organs of state in review proceedings.


We regularly assist clients in regard to reviews and advice in respect of broad-based Black Economic Empowerment.

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